The seminar «Data Visualization in Society» was held in Oslo, November 14th 2019. In the combined poster, food and mingling room at the second floor in Litteraturhuset, side-by-side with the large media organisations in Norway (the newspapers VG and Bergens Tidende and the Norwegian state broadcaster NRK), Statistics Norway (SSB) and other prominent guests, there was also a sweet spot reserved for …

hard facts expressed in soft materials, that is, Statistrikk! Such a treat!
In addition to the stand, I also gave the talk
«Can women’s health be knitted? (Yes. But why?)».
Since the entire seminar was streamed, I can share my own 17 minutes along with the rest of the program. I have set the youTube video to start when I enter the stage, though 🙂 Enjoy!
The seminar was hosted by the Innovative Data Visualization and Visual-Numeric Literacy (INDVIL) project funded by the Norwegian Research Council. I am very excited about their work and soon-to-be-released book, and I look forward to future projects in collaboration with the INDVIL project leader Martin and his team!